Seeing two people come together in marriage seems to be more and more amazing to me as I see more people do it. It is not just two people coming together, but families coming together and friends coming together and traditions coming together. This wedding brought two entirely different cultures and languages together. On my drive home from my day with this amazing group of people, I called my husband and just raved on and on (I apologized to him for talking so much which is actually uncommon for me!) about Vasa & Kerri and how sweet and raw their love is for each other and for those around them. These two currently live in China, but they decided to have an intimate backyard wedding here in the States where Kerri is from. I so wish that I could describe the day to you all who were not there and explain how moving it was to hear Vasa say his vows to Kerri in English so everyone there could understand, while tears ran down his face. Or seeing them embrace, as genuine smiles formed on their faces. Or watching Kerri's face light up in laughter as Vasa did a goofy pose for the camera! Or listening to them speak to each other in Chinese...I couldn't understand a single word, but to me, it's like they were in their own little world. When I left, Vasa communicated to me that I came to their wedding with a job to do, but that I left as a friend. This is why I LOVE wedding photography...I get to come as a vendor but leave as a friend. Thank you Vasa & Kerri for allowing me to be a part of this wonderful day. Cheers to you both as embark on this life together as husband and wife!